Experience Fighting
for Your Rights
NSF Check on a Vehicle Sale Where Client Obtained Vehicle. Case Dismissed.
3rd & 4th Probation Violation. Client received credit for time served. Repeat probation violation of an original domestic violence case. Client facing state prison.
Bench Warrant Issued on Drug Charges Probation violation dismissed. After hearing bench warrant recalled.
Disobeying Domestic Violence. Not Guilty. Restraining Order.
Domestic Violence Case. Case Dismissed. Set for jury trial.
DUI .12.13 Accident. Reduced to reckless driving.
Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Vehicle). No jail, small fine. Case reduced to misdemeanor.
Felony Domestic Violence Serious Injury. Bail reduced from $250,000 to $20,000, ultimately saving the client $23,000 in bail premium. Case reduced to misdemeanor disturbing the peace.
Felony DUI Facing 6 years in State Prison. Was released in 45 days. Received 6 months sentence.
Felony Stalking & Vandalism, 9 Counts. No jail, restitution. Plea to misdemeanor disturbing the peace.
Forcible Rape Sodomy, Felony Domestic Violence, Felony False Imprisonment, Assault with Intent to Commit Mayhem No jail, no sex offender registration. (Plea entered with another attorney for a state prison commitment on all counts with sex offender registration.) Motion to withdraw plea, habeas corpus won disposition: plea to a misdemeanor.
Grand Theft Auto. Reduced to misdemeanor and $140.00 fine.
Judicial Forcible Rape. Reduced to misdemeanor and dismissed.
Major Fraud Case Embezzlement of Company Funds. Case dismissed.
Theft from Employer. Reduced to misdemeanor. No jail. Reduced to misdemeanor. No jail. Restitution argued and reduced to $9,000, thereby saving the client $26,000 in restitution.
Three Strikes "Gang" Case, Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Client received credit for time served. Client facing 35 years to life. Case reduced to minimum sentence.
Mr. Tears is a true Gentleman with vast knowledge of criminals law and great understanding the court system. I have used Mr. Tears services several times first time in...
There are hundreds of DUI lawyers out there, and I’m sure there’s are a few that know how to win, but I don’t think all attorneys have the legal experience and relentless...
I never felt like he wasn’t completely devoted to my case and my well being. He truly cares about his clients and his willingness to work with me in regards to paying out...
Conveniently located near where 5 and 55 freeways meet, between First and Fourth Street.
Contact Us for a Consultation (714) 550-1101