Santa Ana DUI Lawyer

Orange County DUI Attorney

Don’t Plead Guilty – Fight Your DUI Charges!

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, you have only 10 days to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles and request an administrative hearing. Otherwise, you will lose your driver’s license to an automatic suspension. Next, you have to prepare to fight the criminal charges of driving under the influence.

For hard-hitting legal representation to help you keep your driver’s license and avoid the possibility of a criminal conviction, come to Thomas Tears, Attorney at Law. Our Santa Ana DUI lawyer has more than 39 Years of experience, and a track record of more than 5,000 misdemeanor and felony casesWhen you have so much on the line, you owe it to yourself to hire an attorney with the skill and experience necessary to fight for you.

Consequences of a DUI in Santa Ana

It would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of fighting your DUI charges. A DUI is not simply a traffic offense. It is a crime, punishable by harsh penalties that can have an enormous impact on your life. In fact, a DUI arrest can easily end up costing you as much as $45,000 or more in terms of fines, court costs, legal fees, probation costs, and insurance rate increases.

A typical sentence for a first-time DUI can include:

  • Six months in county jail
  • Three years on probation
  • Six months of attendance at mandatory DUI classes
  • Possible increased penalties for a future DUI offense based on the fact of having a prior conviction on your record

Depending on the county where your conviction takes place, California state law also provides for the court to order you to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle. An IID is essentially a breathalyzer that will be hardwired into your vehicle’s admission system. You will have to provide an alcohol-free breath sample every time you want to start the car, and at random intervals while driving. If you fail the test, your car will be immobilized and the authorities will be notified.

A DUI Can Ruin Your Career

To make matters worse, you would have a criminal record, a fact that can cost you job opportunities or disqualify you for a promotion. Many employers simply will not hire a job applicant with a criminal record, and you may be ineligible for certain types of professional licenses and security clearances. In the face of such wide-ranging consequences, why would you take chances with the outcome of your case by hiring anyone but the best to represent you?

Take Action to Fight Your DUI Charges – Contact Us 24/7

Maybe you failed the breath or blood test; perhaps you stumbled on the walk-and-turn; maybe you even admitted to the officer that you had been drinking – regardless of the evidence against you, don’t give up on fighting the charges. It is always possible to contest a DUI: You are legally presumed innocent until proven guilty. Get 39 years of experience on your side by hiring our Santa Ana DUI attorney. You probably never expected that this would happen to you – now that it has, let us fight to clear your name and defend your future.

Call us at (714) 550-1101 or contact us online for a free, confidential consultation. We are available 24/7 and are ready to take immediate action on your case. 

Client Reviews

Mr. Tears is a true Gentleman with vast knowledge of criminals law and great understanding the court system. I have used Mr. Tears services several times first time in...

Fred Highland

There are hundreds of DUI lawyers out there, and I’m sure there’s are a few that know how to win, but I don’t think all attorneys have the legal experience and relentless...

Joel Villarreal

I never felt like he wasn’t completely devoted to my case and my well being. He truly cares about his clients and his willingness to work with me in regards to paying out...

Lynne Porter

Our Location

Conveniently located near where 5 and 55 freeways meet, between First and Fourth Street.

Santa Ana Office
250 N Golden Cir Dr #109

Santa Ana, CA 92705


Get in Touch

Contact Us for a Consultation (714) 550-1101